Not everyone has a house with a big garden, if you live in a city for instance, it's much easier to have an apartment. Apartments also mean a different kind of freedom. Whatever you prefer to live in, you might still want your own little oasis, and what could be better than gardening on the balcony? There are so many ways to decorate a balcony, and you can grow everything from ornamental plants to herbs and vegetables just like a conventional garden.
Start with a set of tools, so you don't have to work with your hands alone. We recommend our hand tool set, which includes a planting spade, hoe and cultivator inside. In addition to the hand tools, depending on what you grow and whether pruning/trimming is necessary, a pair of garden scissors and secateurs may be useful. We have the Deluxe and Basic secateurs, with the Deluxe having a beautiful ash wood handle and the Basic in hard pressed aluminium with plastic all around. Another essential piece of equipment is a watering can, as many plants want plenty of water it can be difficult with a smaller jug made for indoor use, so why not go big and get a watering can that is both functional and in an incredibly stylish design. Our premium watering can has an angular and stylish design in black with a beautiful ash wood handle. The water jug can hold up to 10 litres of water, making it perfect if you have a lot of plants that require ample water. The watering can also matches the other by Benson accessories, and it all goes together as a stylish decoration for your oasis.
Pots in different sizes are another important part, of course. You can match pots with wine boxes, like our stylish Priorat wine box in certified spruce from Spain. The wine box can also be stacked and used for everything from storage and cultivation to unloading tables.
You should also make sure you have the right soil for your plants, and before you begin cultivating, it's very important to make sure that the plants will thrive and prosper on your balcony. For example, if you have a lot of sun, it is obviously important to consider not growing anything that absolutely does not thrive in the sun.
Start with a set of tools, so you don't have to work with your hands alone. We recommend our hand tool set, which includes a planting spade, hoe and cultivator inside. In addition to the hand tools, depending on what you grow and whether pruning/trimming is necessary, a pair of garden scissors and secateurs may be useful. We have the Deluxe and Basic secateurs, with the Deluxe having a beautiful ash wood handle and the Basic in hard pressed aluminium with plastic all around. Another essential piece of equipment is a watering can, as many plants want plenty of water it can be difficult with a smaller jug made for indoor use, so why not go big and get a watering can that is both functional and in an incredibly stylish design. Our premium watering can has an angular and stylish design in black with a beautiful ash wood handle. The water jug can hold up to 10 litres of water, making it perfect if you have a lot of plants that require ample water. The watering can also matches the other by Benson accessories, and it all goes together as a stylish decoration for your oasis.
Pots in different sizes are another important part, of course. You can match pots with wine boxes, like our stylish Priorat wine box in certified spruce from Spain. The wine box can also be stacked and used for everything from storage and cultivation to unloading tables.
You should also make sure you have the right soil for your plants, and before you begin cultivating, it's very important to make sure that the plants will thrive and prosper on your balcony. For example, if you have a lot of sun, it is obviously important to consider not growing anything that absolutely does not thrive in the sun.