Now that the days are getting shorter and summer plants are finishing up, we know that autumn is on its way. But that doesn’t mean the gardening season is over—now is the time to fill your garden with lovely flowers that will bring color to the fall. In this article, I’ll go through some of my favorite flowers that can handle cooler weather and really make your garden stand out during this upcoming season.
Our favorites this fall:
Asters are a common fall favorite in many gardens, known for their star-shaped flowers in various shades that may not be the typical fall colors you might expect. Instead, these flowers often come in blue, purple, pink, and white, which can really make your garden pop. They also attract butterflies, which helps with pollination and extends that summer feeling a little longer.
Coral Bells (Heuchera):
Coral bells are versatile perennials that produce beautiful leaves in a variety of colors. These plants can really create that cozy fall feel, with their bronze, red, green, purple, or even silver foliage. They thrive best in shady environments with well-drained soil. Not only are they perennial, but they also produce cuttings, giving you plenty of planting joy from a single plant. Coral bells are also quite cold-hardy, making them perfect for planting in the fall, allowing them to overwinter and then bloom in June.
Another great addition to your autumn garden is heather. This classic plant blooms best in late summer and well into the fall, and it’s a very hardy plant. All it needs is slightly acidic soil and watering every now and then. Taking care of it isn’t more complicated than that. There’s something about heather that creates that warm, homely feeling that autumn is here. If you’ve planted rhododendrons earlier in the year, heather is the perfect flower to co-plant with them since they prefer the same type of soil. You can also plant it on its own or in an arrangement. The possibilities are endless with this flower.
Ornamental Kale:
There’s something so charming and autumnal about ornamental kale. Decorating your garden with these colorful leaves can really brighten up your garden throughout the fall. They come in a variety of colors that can blend into any environment. You can plant them just about anywhere—in pots, as ground cover, as a border plant, or wherever you like. And they’re incredibly tough! They can withstand frost and cold; in fact, they often thrive in it as the cold helps them develop more intense colors. They’re not particularly sensitive plants to care for, just remember they like a bit of sun. Ornamental kale is truly the perfect plant to add some color this fall.
Chrysanthemums are a classic in most fall gardens. These flowers come in a wide range of colors, from deep reds and purples to golden and white shades. They are extremely hardy and can bloom well into late fall, making them perfect for bringing life to the garden when much else begins to wither. To ensure they last as long as possible, it’s important to prune them early and remove unwanted shoots and withered leaves.
Christmas Rose (Hellebore):
If you want to get ahead and have beautiful flowers in your garden around Christmas, it’s already time to think about hellebores. If you want to sow them from seeds, September is a good month to start. They first bloom in November-December, but planting them early gives them plenty of time to develop before then. And they’re tough! Planting them in a frost-resistant pot gives them the chance to bloom during fall and winter. The Christmas rose can really add a splash of color to your garden during the colder months, and the flowers often stay beautiful long after they’ve bloomed. It’s the perfect addition to your fall and winter garden.
A few closing tips:
To keep your fall garden as beautiful as possible, it’s important to ensure it gets enough water by planting in well-drained soil and watering when it starts to dry out. However, your plants won’t need as much water as the weather cools down; too much water can freeze the roots. So water sparingly but as needed.Some plants can also benefit from having hay or other natural materials around the soil to retain moisture and protect the roots. Feel free to use frost-resistant pots to give your plants the best conditions. Combine different flowers to create a cheerful, colorful, and varied garden this fall.