Keeping a pet and a garden can be a blessing. Perhaps you let your four-legged friend run alongside you while you tend to your garden. However it is important to remember that whilst the garden is often a beautiful and peaceful place for us, it can be a danger to our four-legged friends. There are many types of plants that are poisonous to animals but that have a significant place in our gardens, and which we often wouldn't think would be so highly toxic.
Below is a list of a group of plants to avoid if you let your four-footed friends hang out with you in your garden.
Norway spruce (Christmas Tree)
Wolf's Bane
Lily of the valley
There are of course many others, and we would recommend doing a thorough research on the plants that should be avoided. A further danger is tools. Many tools are very sharp and a pruning saw placed on the ground can immediately cause serious damage. Many smaller tools such as secateurs, scissors and weeders can also be dangerous if they happen to be badly placed, and this goes for us too. Especially if you like to walk around barefoot on the soft grass.
We would strongly recommend having good storage such as our wine box. Our wine box is made from certified spruce wood from Galicia in the north of Spain, and is ideal for either storing tools or for cultivating. The wine box can also potentially be used as storage for various toys, blankets and other things that your four-legged friend loves and the wine box gives a neat and stylish impression.