Tulips are also one of the most popular flowers in the world, and it even has its own day, January 15th. And aren't they lovely? So today, we are going to go over everything you need to know about tulips, where they come from, how to tend to them, and a few tips and tricks if you prefer cut tulips in a vase over planting them.
The history of tulips
Tulips have their origin in central Asia, where the first grew wild but later was cultivated by locals for their beauty and resilience. It was as late as the 1700s that they first made their way to Europe, and of course the Netherlands. And the really loved their tulips. The "tulip mania" in the Netherlands was huge, with some varieties of tulip being sold for the same price as houses. Even though the prices may have gone down now, the tulip is still a real symbol for the Netherlands, and they produce the most tulips in the world.
What do tulips symbolize?
A lot of flowers represent something, or have a hidden meaning, and tulips are no different.
Red tulips, like red roses symbolize love.
Yellow tulips symbolize happiness and positivity.
White tulips symbolize elegance and purity.
So if you decide to give someone tulips, make sure to not give your best friend or parent red tulips, go for yellow instead.
How to grow tulips in your garden
Tulips are easy to grow, very tough and still beautiful, and therefore a very popular garden flower.
The planting process starts when you pick out your bulbs. They should be firm and plump, and free of mold and damage. The best time to plant your tulip bulbs is in fall, 2 months before the frost sets in. This allows them to get hardy and also develop their roots in time for spring. Placement for your tulips should be in well drained soil, and in the sun. Partial shade is ok, but your tulips need to get sunlight. You should also avoid placing your tulip bulbs in spots where you know water usually pools. This is because tulips are sensitive to overwatering, and therefore sensitive to standing in too much water.
Now that the practical stuff is out of the way, lets get to planting!:
- Dig a hole that is about three times the height of your bulb.
- Place the bulb in the hole, with the pointy side up.
- Cover with soil and water lightly.
- Make sure to give your plants enough space between each other, 4-6 inches apart.
- Fertilize, with a balanced fertilizer.
Caring for tulips
Your tulips don't need that much water, watering once a week should be enough.Fertilize your tulips when planting, and once in the spring to give them a few extra nutrients. And you do need to keep an eye on your flowers. When one dies, remove it to give your plant a chance to develop new ones.
When it comes to leaves, let them yellow and wilt before removing, this might take over a month, but it's better to let them completely die before removing. This is because they can store energy for next years bloom.
After they have bloomed and wilted, you can remove all the foliage and reuse your bulbs for next year. Make sure to store them in a cool and dark area to make sure they last and don't start sprouting.
Some of the most common problems tulips may have are pests, rodents and squirrels. They like to nibble on the bulbs, and to prevent this, use something like wire mesh to protect the plant. And for slugs and insects, use a eco-friendly insect repellant.
Care advice for tulips in a vase
But maybe you just want to have a vase filled with pretty tulips? Here are a few tips and tricks to get the most out of your freshly cut tulips.
- Put a bit of potato starch in the water, this will help them take water up slowly, and keep your tulips from growing too long and fragile.
- Remove leaves before submerging the stem in water. If you have leaves underneath the water surface, they can start to rot and spread bacteria in the water.
- Cut your tulips before putting them in water, with a straight cut, and not a slanted one. This helps them suck up the water properly.
- Re-trim the cut every few days to make sure they can keep absorbing water.
- Your tulips prefer cold water over hot, and cold enviroments over hot ones. So keep them away from any heat source.
- They also don't like drafts, so place them in a draft-free area.
- Change the water out often, every other day, to make sure no algae or bacteria has time to grow. Wash the vase when you change the water.
These are just a few quick tips to give you beautiful tulips this year. Do you have any additional advice. feel free to share in the comments below!